Graduation of a Dream 12.14.23

Wow, I can’t believe I am here. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree that I have been working on since 2018. I dropped out of college in the 90s because I was not a serious student and I was not ready. Life started to happen and I became a mother, employee, and managed a household. I became enmeshed in a career that I liked but was not completely fulfilling and I was not satisfied. I decided to go back to school because my job prospects were limited and I had an insatiable itch to get a degree. There was this push-pull energy going on in my head saying I needed to get a degree in a rational, secure career vs. my intrinsic passion for holistic health and wellness. I remembered a Holistic Health college that I investigated back in the 80s and found them online. I enrolled in the American College of Healthcare Sciences and manifested my dream and have a Bachelor of Science in Integrative Health Sciences, a Diploma in Herbal studies, a Diploma in Holistic Health Practice, certificate in Holistic Nutrition consulting, and Aromatherapy.

What a journey that has taught me so much. As a family member reminded me through it all I managed my household, cared for my children, being a partner, my job, started a business, grocery shopped, took walks, traveled hundreds of miles, took care of dogs and training, cooked a million meals, cleaned the house and car, took professional training, and a major certification exam, created workshops, coached clients and gave Reiki, managed a chronic illness, wrote papers took tests and read a zillion words! I was busy! I was not always easy to live with and appreciate the support I received from my partner Greg and my family. Juggling all of that was difficult, to say the least.

Today my life is abundant and I am creating a business that has all of my energy focused. I love interacting with people and my career is aligned with being an ally for my clients. I followed my intuition and here I stand at the end of one journey and the beginning of another.

My daughter told me that we can do hard things and I agree wholeheartedly. With the support of family and friends, taking care of my body, investing in my spiritual wellness, and managing my mental health I completed a dream I have had for 30 years.

Things I learned along the way :

  • I have choices where to spend my time and energy.

  • Following my gut is always the right answer.

  • Personal growth is a powerful motivator.

  • Meditation practice is integral to my mental health.

  • Self-care can look like sleeping, exercising, singing, traveling, or just being in the woods.

  • Taming my inner critic allowed me to practice inner compassion and quiet the negative talk.

  • Setting a goal allows me to achieve that goal.

Celebrating success is a great way to stay motivated and to be able to savor in times when we feel like things are never going to happen for us. Remember the success, think about it often, and allow it to launch you forward into creating the life you want to live!!

What successes have you experienced?

thanks for reading

With love



Endings and beginnings 12.30.2023