Ceremony, Rituals and Rights of Passage
Many events in life are important. In our fast-paced society, it can be difficult to stop and make time to create a ritual, or ceremony to mark moments where we transform from one thing to another. The most common are birthdays and holidays which are rituals marking a special time. These are hyped up by the marketing geniuses who have made these events into what drives our consumer economy (I digress). Ceremonies can help us mark a specific event, highlight beginnings, endings, and rights of passage integrate changes in our lives. Ceremonies and rituals lead to social connection and give us a sense of who we are in the world.
My recent graduation is one of those moments where I am suddenly thrust from what I have been doing for many years into the unknown. I shed the protective coat of college and am now in a new space which feels a bit scary! The transition from student to graduate is a right of passage. Marking this time with a ceremony is beneficial to allow my energy to wrap up what it has been doing for the last 6 years and to step forward with purpose and vision with the support of my community.
A ceremony can be used for death/grief, children moving out of the house, illness/health, retirement, heading to college, pregnancy/motherhood, becoming a Crone, changing jobs, and other times when we want to make sacred.
As a coach, I help people create ceremonies for these important events. We create the container or space, set intentions, decide on rituals, and then integrate the outcome. We all need connection and ceremonies or rituals can give us the much-needed space to honor where we are at and where we want to go. This frees up our energy and allows us to consciously create the life we want to live.
You are important and wonderful, take the time to honor yourself!
With love