Earthing-Grounding- Grounding- Earthing what does this mean? In our modern world, we are inside more often, sitting at computers rushing from one event/responsibility to another, and not taking the time to connect to this beautiful planet we inhabit. We wear expensive shoes and “protect “our feet from the ground but this may have unintended outcomes. I am an outdoorsy kinda gal and choose to be outside as often as possible. As the Carol King and James Taylor song goes “I feel the earth move under my feet…” I find relief, comfort, ease, and relaxation when I can plant my feet on the ground and soak in the vitality and energy from the earth. A study by Oschman et al in 2015 showed experimental evidence that getting grounded on the Earth provides not only the feeling of connectedness but also can reduce inflammatory markers, inflammation, and pain.
We are all related and are composed of the materials that are in the stars. We are not unique in our composition; we are of the earth and so are interconnected to it. The surface of Earth has electrons circulating all over it and when we connect to it those electrons are absorbed and roam in the body to connect with free radicals. When we provide the body with extra electrons they work as antioxidants and protect our cells from damage that can cause chronic illnesses. I for one am always looking for more ways in which to increase my health and wellness. This simple exercise can greatly improve my body's ability to fight inflammation.
So go outside take those shoes off plant your feet on the ground, feel the surface, the coolness, the heat, the roughness, the smoothness and relax into the energy of the Earth.
Be Well
With Love
Oschman, J. L., Chevalier, G., & Brown, R. (2015). The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Journal of Inflammation Research, 8, 83-96.